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Piwik PRO Core: 18.34.0
Piwik PRO Enterprise (cloud and private cloud): 15.7.9 and 18.34.0
Piwik PRO Enterprise (on-premises): 15.6.0

August 23, 2017


Analytics (classic)

  • Support for GeoIP2 to determine visitor localization (Enables support for premium MaxMind GeoIP2 databases).

Tag Manager

  • Tag scheduling: the user can set periods and hours during a day when a banner or tag can be fired. After the chosen period the banner/tag is automatically unpublished.
  • Integration with Audience Manager – banners and tags can be fired based on audience membership (e.g. fire a banner/tag for all users who already bought something in my shop and are from Germany).


Personalization is a new application that allows users to show targeted pop-ups to visitors based on what page they’re viewing, where they come from, how they’re interacting with your campaigns, and more. Piwik PRO users are now able to take behavior personalization to a whole new level with Personalization.

Personalization allows you to customize the text and visuals on your pop-ups based on any external variable that you choose. You can create a pop-up and choose firing triggers like you do in Piwik PRO Tag Manager.

Pop-ups (views and clicks) can be easily tracked with Piwik PRO Analytics. All you do is activate one option in a Piwik PRO tag template and publish it. Users can use Visual creator to customize text, buttons, and images (drag and drop).

Audience Manager

Audience Manager helps you collect and combine data from different data sources, create audiences and use them in other components of the Piwik PRO Marketing Suite, as well as export them to third-party advertising and marketing platforms.

Audience Manager is a tool which stores a visitor’s data in one profile (single customer view). It collects data from various sources:

  • Analytics visitor data (browser, OS, device, location, referer) – If you have Audience Manager enabled, by default it receives Analytics data in real-time.
  • Forms – data saved from any form filled in and submitted by the visitor
  • CSV files – data imported from external sources (Mapping CSV columns to profiles attributes)

Our newest application also features Audience Builder – the user can create audiences based on profile data captured from different sources (Analytics, forms) and export them to a CSV file.

Pop-ups (views and clicks) can be easily tracked with Piwik PRO Analytics. Just turn on one option in the Piwik PRO tag template and publish it. Users can use Visual creator to customize text, buttons, and images (drag and drop).


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