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Piwik PRO Core: 18.34.0
Piwik PRO Enterprise (cloud and private cloud): 15.7.9 and 18.34.0
Piwik PRO Enterprise (on-premises): 15.6.0

September 30, 2019



  • Funnels
  • Session log report, which is a replacement of the visitor log from the old Analytics. It allows you to browse, analyze, filter, and segment visitors sessions
  • Meta sites with aggregated reports for numerous websites
  • Export to a PDF file a full explorer report, including a chart and table
  • Presentation of URL-related dimensions (e.g. Page URL, Session entry URL) as: path, domain, or path and domain with a query string cut off
  • Source / medium dimension is now available also as two separate dimensions in custom reports
  • Ability to use up to 7 nested dimensions in explorer charts
  • Dashboards: Widget names are now optional
  • Dashboards: Ability to copy widgets

Tag Manager

  • Importing and exporting snapshots (saved tag settings) between websites
  • Ability to copy tags, triggers and variables to another website or duplicate them within the same website
  • Ability to customize the name of the data layer, which allows you to use, for example, many Piwik PRO containers on the same website. To use this option you need to replace the container code on you website.
  • Optimized data collection with regard to ITP 2.1


  • Ability to create meta sites that let you build reports based on aggregated data from different websites and apps
  • Possibility to set and change user group permissions in the website & apps settings
  • Ability to find a particular time zone and currency by typing the value in the search engine instead of selecting them from the list
  • Ability to select a language region to change the date and number formats
  • User interface available in Japanese
  • Remembering user settings for pagination


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